Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween!

domanatrix and Naruito
now how is it that its harder to get a 16 and 13 year old dressed for halloween then a 6 and 3 year old?


Patti G. said...

They are not babies any more Ruth!!!!! Beautiful growing young adults, yes yes!!!! Hugs,Patti

Catherine said...

Because we have exposed them to the media, and they want fancy costumes and we are so busy making art that we don't want to stop to sew a costume. So we go to the Halloween store and spend at least $50 to get them props. At least that only took and hour and a half! Catherine

Mastermind said...

Hi Ruth,
My name is Ruth too and i have my own blog too. http://ruth-ruths.blogspot.com. I think that your kids look quite nice. Good luck and be sure to visit my blog and do leave some comments yeah?