Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Understading My Soul

one minute its all about fun the next its all about tears...
my life has taken a little turn to tears ~ and a few things in my life must be fixed... and I keep telling myself that sadness can not last for ever.creating art does come from our soul and sometimes what we create can bring us joy but sometimes it can brings us aggravation... this little sneak peek of a little project that I am working on had me going crazy! ... and it just has me wondering... when it works out perfect the first time maybe it really was a miracle :)


heartartz said...

Wow! What you say is so true ... fun turning to tears...sadness not lasting forever....creating art bringing joy and frustration.
I too am at this same point in my life.
Take heart, when it works out perfectly the first time, it is a miracle.....and when it turns out badly the first (or second) time there is a lesson to be learned.
My favorite quote is "We did then, what we knew how to do...But we know more now, so we can do better." ~ Oprah Winfry
Keep on creating. Your work is wonderful.

artsyfran said...

So true. The art helps me to get through the sad and trying times and to embrace the beauty of the good times. Hugs, Fran

Julbie said...

Your work is amazing. Your photos are gorgeous! I would love to be able to work with metal someday... aside from simple soldering.

Regarding your comment on my blog... I don't exactly live close to The Art Bar, it's about an hour from me. I live in Los Angeles. The Valley. But every so often some chix and I get together there. I think we may have a couple of chix in common. Hopefully one day we can meet up there.

Patti G. said...

RUth sweet,
I am sorry you are having tears, and I have been there too......just times when tears are all that come!!!! You will get through it!!! And your art is always inspirational and wwwwonderful! I love this metal piece you created! you are a wonder!!! Biggest hugs to help you through whatever.........Patti

Catherine said...

True, true! And there are more miracles than mistakes.

Gypsy Purple said...

Sometimes the voice of magic talks to us through the small things...we have to be very still to HEAR and listen


tina's space said...

Sorry to hear about your tearful time; without the rain, there would be no rainbow. Hope it passes by soon and I hope art can help heal the pain.

studioJudith said...

miss ruth - when life tosses me these surprises and challenges, I try to remember:
"when one door closes another door always opens ... .. it's just that the hallways are such a bitch!" ....
hugs, judith

kelly said...

i keep missing you sweet girl! this phone tag is a drag. and now i see you are sad and that makes me sad double time! i'm going to right now and try to call you again. i am thinking of you golden-eyed girl!