It looks like spring but its almost summer! (my kids just have 7 more days of school left!) as you walk to my front door you are greeted to the most intoxicating smell of these sweet peas!

I received my bird swap goodies from Tammie Moore! She treated me to so many Bird treasures!
I was totally delighted! her hand made parts where a fun bird purse and earrings! I am not so great at collecting so many delightful goodies so I was very over joyed with my package :)

This was my care package that I sent her... I came in late to this swap so I did not have time to shop around and buy bird themed treats, so I had to create them all my self...

I felt like I was a short change partner because I did not have time to shop around and BUY bird goodies we were supposed to spend $20, but its funny how we perceive are gifts that we give and make opposed to the gifts we receive.
(you can read what tammie thought about
her gift here)
I spent a hard uninspired day in my studio yesterday...
I like a crazy woman, told my self that I was going to walk into my studio and in one day create 6 amazing things for a new article that I am working on...
my dye colors were all wrong!
the one good thing that did come out of it was a near miss hap!
( I burnt some of the fabric that I had in my oven! but it looks really cool! see the brown bit under my beloved aunt Mary's sheers... she was a marvellous dress maker!)
but as luck has it today looks a lot brighter and the lay outs that I did yesterday just need a little tweaking :)
with a side of gardenia!
please click on the image to read )
I did learn a lesion yesterday, and this is to never take for granted the good days when the creativity flows so easily as if each steep we take is perfect.
creativity is surely a sacred gift that I will respect more!
The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.
Ruth...your work is so inspiring, beautiful, awesome, terrific. OK, I think you get the idea that I absolutly love it!!
Indeed, we have to respect our creatiivity and we have to be glad to be creative. You newest work is beautiful as ever.
Beautiful! Lucky girl to get your gorgeous creations in a swap!
Having spent the last couple of days trying to force my creative muse into submission and making nothing more than wastebasket filler, I can totally relate!
What a fantastic swap!
I have no problem with the creative muse, or the bad technical days. I just need more time in the studio!!! Or I have to switch to fiber arts. I dunno...
Ruth ~ Visiting here is like taking a walk outside to pure, fresh air. I always feel my spirit is gently awakened. This Einstein quote is perfectly, perfect....and, I sure hope I can order a side of gardenia tomorrow at Starbucks!! ~ Best~Rella
I LOVE the piece you made with the tiny nest on it...WOW! I also love that you have your dear aunts scissors...I have my dear Grams' scissors and being that she showed me how to sew and is no longer with me they mean the world to me :)
OH my gosh, could you think your gift was worth less than $20? I would be you hear me, THRILLED to have you as a swap partner! Any time you want to short-change me in a swap, just drop me a line, I'll be happy to swap with you! Beautiful.
I LOVE this !
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