Sunday, May 25, 2008

Fire & Light

I just got home last night from a week in Reno, Helping set up for the Artistree
grand opening gala.
(I will post about this amazing store in a few days!)

so I missed
Show Me Wednesday--Your Everyday Dishes

But I do think that my dishes are worth the wait!
are they not just the most brilliant glass dishes that you have ever seen ! ? !
I own just about ever piece and all the colors of this recycled glass dinnerware.

I also have a thing for small hand made ceramic bowls, as I like to put little snacks out for my family to nosh on when I am cooking in the kitchen.

I was looking for a poem to share about family, as I not have a lot a time to cook, but when I do find myself in the kitchen its all about my loved ones and there favorite foods.
these words I found online some how sums it all up.

Family life settles into a monotony.
There's comfort in family life.
You know these people and they know you.
You can act out in front of them and they might not like you
but they will love
Family life equals security.


Maija said...

Those dishes are stunning, Ruth!

Cindy Dean said...

I love those dishes! Especially the glasses. Worth the wait I agree.

Just a Plane Ride Away said...

Beautiful dishes, gorgeous colours!! Thanks for sharing, as I've not seen those before :-)

Kristen Robinson said...

Lovin these photos my friend!

Carla said...

Just discovered your site, ruth. Love it and those dishes!

papel1 said...

Your dishes were worth the wait. Nice blog.

knitsteel said...

I love your dishes. I want some! We traded for handcrafted earthtone ceramic dishes. They are also beautiful, but more in tune with the Wisconsin/Minnesota zenmudstyle.

knitsteel said...

I love your dishes. I want some! We traded for handcrafted earthtone ceramic dishes. They are also beautiful, but more in tune with the Wisconsin/Minnesota zenmudstyle.

Cathy said...

These are beautiful! I can only imagine how pretty they are in real life with all the dazzling colors! They would make even an unfavorite meal taste good. Thanks so much for joining us!

Cathy :)

Nic Hohn said...

I love your curly spoons!