Thursday, February 5, 2009

A personal time out.

You cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus.
~Mark Twain

I took last week off to recharge my creative batteries...
I think its important that we allow are self the time to take a personal time out once in a while.
I cleaned my much neglected house, I spent a lot of time in bed looking at blogs in hope I will win a few goodies from the one world one heart participant's.
I even watched a few movies with out a project in my lap!
But for the most part I was looking at different sites on fabric dyeing.

(take a look at my side bar for all the new links on dyeing.)

Then some how yesterday like a bud that is ready to flower,
I put on my art overalls and started to dye fabrics.

Silk Shibori Scarf

This was my first attempt at this process.
I was happy with my results.
( I am even wearing this scarf as I type this! )

Shibori is a broad-spectrum term that covers an extensive array of resists dyeing techniques including tie-and-dye, binding, stitching, pleating and clamping. That leads to fabric that resists dye and creates a pleated surface pattern.

This is a new direction for me, that I look forward to doing more with.

Inspired by my newly dyed pile of smoke and crimson fabrics that I made just for the sake of play!

(cutting table)

These hearts...

if you play attention to the little details on the hearts you will see that I was inspired by ruffled panties and bras.

I cut the hearts out of the muslin and combined them with the different kinds of hand dyed fabrics. the hearts were stuffed then I then used free motion and machine sewing along side hand stitching and heat altering.

"my flirting heart"

“Truth is a great flirt.”
~Franz Liszt

"My heart is burning"

My heart is burning with love

All can see this flame

My heart is pulsing with passion

like waves on an ocean



Hope is the dream of the waking man.

~French Proverb

"a faithful believer"

"A faithful believer to a faithful believer is like the bricks of a wall,
enforcing each other."


“By believing passionately in something that still does not exist,

we create it. The nonexistent is whatever we have not sufficiently desired.”


connie said...

love these!

Kelly said...

when i pulled up the photo i thought, ohh la, la, lingerie! so cool that that was your inspiration. they are excellent, friend! the scarf is really great. go, ruth, go. stretch your imagination until you grow a whole new arm to do new things with. i know you can.

MargaretR said...

I love the shibori scarf and all your hearts. I had to comment as I too have just taken a couple of weeks time out and am finding my creativity again.

TracyB said...

Absolutely beautiful colors on the shibori scarf!!

Dawn Sellers said...

Ruth the hearts are amazing and that scarf! Love it. I have been looking at Shibori dying, but it's too rainy to try it here now. That will be a spring project for sure. I love watching the colors develop in fabric and fiber dying.

Ruth Rae said...

even I in sunny southern California agree that dying is a great outdoor project!

I have a few more scarves that I am still playing with :)

martha brown said...

I love these "racy' hearts!

Pilar said...

Ohhlala...I am digging your hearts. So fun and flirty! Did you use a PVC pipe for your shibori dying? We will have to get together soon so we can swap dye stories. xoxoxoxo