Friday, April 10, 2009

artfest 2009

I am still recovering from the blur of artfest... its stunning to be surrounded by so many like minded souls. I had the great opportunity to meet a lot of wonderful new people and had the joy to reconnect with dear friends.

(Stephanie Lee , Amy Hanna, Catherine Witherell Julie, keith lo bue, michael de meng,
pam garrison, Martha Brown, Nancy Nelson, Heather Simpson Bluhm, Nina Bagley

My creation

My Students were all amazing!
I am just sad that I forgot to get a group photo from both of my classes!

My creation

I did a book singing and demo at Whywoods bead stuido.

My creation

Creativity is most contagious!
However if I could do it all over again I would have gone to sleep by midnight instead of 2 am,
and I would have left my new cream leather bag at home!

My creation

There is nothing we like to see so much as the gleam of pleasure in a person's eye when he feels that we have sympathized with him, understood him. At these moments something fine and spiritual passes between two friends. These are the moments worth living.

~Don Marquis


Tara said...

WOW! Looks like you had loads of fun. I'm jealous!
Love the purse and the quote.
Glad you had such a great time creating.

dogfaeriex5 said...

artfest is such a magical place made special by the artists and one ever likes to leave and as soon as we do, we cannot wait until the next one rolls around!!
so happy that you were a part of my artfest09...
love you, xo

martha brown said...

That picture of you and the Blythe doll still freaks me out. Scary. Separated at birth or something.

Lost Aussie said...

Great pics. Looks like you had an awesome time!

Flaxseed said...

Thanks for the great pictures! Hope you had fun! :)