Monday, April 27, 2009

Bachan's button box (one a day)

‘To invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of junk.’ — Thomas Alva Edison

Its one of those slow start mornings for me... I just got the kids off to school and I am contemplating working in my studio or packing for ZNE (I leave on Wednesday)

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My mind is a little shut off and disheveled after my day of travel down to San Diego with Kelly to try out the marvels of bronze clay (not so sure if I am a fan or not, I would need to spend more time with it to decide) Nancy Johnson was a kind and generous instructor and all the lady's in the class were a delight

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Today's Photos are from a project that I did in December for "with one stamp" and you can find it in the current may/june 2009 somerset studio page 62 & 63

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I used the top from a wooden cigar box as my base the stamped image is Puccini's Muse by Lynne PerrellaI. I was very happy when I received this stamp as I adore working with Asian imagery and instinctive knew just what I would do! I went right to the corner of my studio that house family mementos and snatched up two pill boxes that were my great grandmother that she had written on. I also incorporated pages from her Japanese to English dictionary. This piece was strongly influenced by the amazing colors on the spools of silk thread that I combined with vintage buttons and thread castoffs... you may be interested to know that I drilled many holes into the lid of the box and sewed all the elements down with thread and wire and no glue was used in this piece. ~ happy creating! I am off to work in my studio now!

Bachan's button box (one a day)

‘Creativity is just connecting things. When you ask creative people how they did something, they feel a little guilty because they didn’t really do it, they just saw something. It seemed obvious to them after a while. That’s because they were able to connect experiences they’ve had and synthesize new things. And the reason they were able to do that was that they’ve had more experiences than other people.’Steve Jobs


Coralie Cederna Johnson said...

Great post! Love the photos of your always! Thanks for sharing!

con-tain-it said...

Love this post and can't wait for the new Somerset Studios to see the whole article. I'm having a slow monday as well and have been going through my google reader enjoying all my favorite artists and their blog posts. The quotes on this post are fantastic and if you don't mind I'd like to you them in a slide show for my son. We just came back from his Senior Project Presentation (he's in Aerospace Engineering...aka...Rocket Science) and I think he'd appreciate these. Have a great day, Roberta

HeArt Collective said...

the assemblage is amazing and i can't wait to meet you at ZNE this week... last night when i couldn't sleep and was "day dreaming" about the week ahead of me, i thumbed through the new somerset and saw your pieces... i'm excited all over again about the class i'll take with you.
safe travels....

Such a Wondrous Place this Faery Space said...

Warm, lovely creation! Blessings from Amy.

Debby said...

I really enjoyed this post, you are so talented. Love all your art.
Have fun at the convention.

Judy said...

Looks wonderful darlink - love the colour choices they are very serene yet dramatic at the same time.

nina said...

i hope somerset studio knows how very lucky they are to have your contributions - that piece is (as always) really lovely.... xx