Friday, April 17, 2009

Courage and Faith

"She could not fail."

this is a small journal that I made.
Its for publication so I can only share a small peek at it.
The last few months have been hard on my family as my mother was diagnosed with Brest cancer. she had a double mastectomy 5 weeks ago, however the cancer has moved to her lymph nodes.

she could not fail

the night before My Mother started chemotherapy I sat down to work on my projects for "With One Stamp" its a column that appears in each issue of Somerset Studio.

she will not fail
(spine detail: the small ties on the threads that bind the book are to represent the unity and support between my mother and her three children)

the challenge is that we are to make something with the stamp that is given to us.
the stamp was actually a set of stamps and we were directed to focus on one image in particular... I started to play with the image but was lost as to what direction to take with it... I was more intrigued with the other images that were on the rubber set so I stamped out the whole set and started to play around...

she could not fail

My mother has been so much on my mind and I soon found that on the eve of her first chemotherapy treatment that I was instinctively drawn to the image of the bird as my grandmother always called my mother "Birdy". Once I allowed my self the freedom to move away from the the main image, the bird became center strange and soon the stamped piece of art turned into a journal filled with hidden sentiments of growth and rebirth that I was sending out to my mothers body to heal.
the words:

"she could not fail"

kept repeating in my head like a mantra.

she could not fail

as I scratched the words onto the page with a pencil...
I was trying to let go of my fears.

she could not fail

The upcoming mouths will take a lot of courage for my mother and our family...

she could not fail

But I believe with all my heart and soul that the truth is LIFE and how we live it. One glorious day at a time!

she could not fail


nina said...

truth IS life...your words here, and your art, are straight from the heart - and absolutely beautiful (as always), ruth. i've been thinking of your mom, and hoping that she'll get through this next stretch with as little pain and discomfort and fear as possible. the same for you. i'm so glad that you two live as close to one another as you do. xoxoxo

Judy said...

Ruthy Ruthy Ruthy, its a stunning book from what i can see - all i can say is I am thinking about y'all.
its the emotions within the book and the symbolism of the threads that I love.
Tried ringing you on your b'day with daughter dear but you didnt answer!!!


I was very sad reading your words about your mother, I will be thinking of you Ruth. Very best wishes, Carolyn xx

Thistle Cove Farm said...

Beautiful work with depth. Your Mother is tucked into my prayers.

Julie said...

I am so sorry to read this news about your mother Ruth. Your book is beautiful. Keep it close. I pray that you will all find the courage and positivity to cope with the future.

Anonymous said...

I am touched by your words because I am a 4+ year breast cancer survivor. I really do get what it feels like for a family to deal with all this. When I got home from my surgery, a friend showed me a breast cancer bracelet with a charm with the words, "Trust the journey." For some reason, that gave me so much strength. Chemo left me so weak physically, but I didn't let it take my spirit. I am sending you these words in the event they would help your family as well. I hope you will find strength from the love and compassion that surrounds you. I am not signing this because it is not about me right now, but I am coming to Art Fiber Fest, and I am going to look you up and check in on you if that is ok. Know that until then I will think of you often and encourage the universe to be with you all in every postive way. Take care.

rebecca said...

ruth, your mom and family will be in my prayers. thank you for your beautiful post. a reminder to hold tight to those we love.

Kelly said...

when i saw the picture of the bird and read the words She Cannot Fail, i thought, oh! ruth is working it out. and then i read your post. i know it is hard to share your heart because you cannot be sure what you will receive in return. but in sharing i believe you will not only gain support and healing but grow in unexpected ways. and the growth will make you stronger. and, in turn, that will give you more to help your mama. you all are in my heart and in my steadfast prayers.

littlescrapsofmagic said...

I send you my prayers. We made this journey several years back with my mother. It's not an easy one, but surprisingly you will find many beautiful moments tucked amidst the awful ones. Your book is beyond belief. Continue to work on it and your art as best you can; you will find strength and wisdom in them.

martha brown said...

my heart and my hope is with you and your mother, my friend.....xox

Seth said...

I am really touched by this and I can see that your feelings were poured into creating a very special work of art!

A bird in the hand said...

Dear Ruth, I am so sorry to hear this, but I'm rooting for all of you. "She cannot fail..." whatever happens, she will not fail. The dance of life takes many turns, and at the centre of it is Hope.
